



What is Prenotami? It is a service offered by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs that allows you to book various consular services online directly from your home.


The Prenot@mi portal aims to allow Italian or foreign citizens to book some consular services free of charge, such as entry to the queues for Italian citizenship and the issue of an Italian passport.


In other words, the services of Italian consulates all over the world, including those dedicated to foreign citizens who wish to come to Italy to study, work or for family reasons.


With this in mind, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through prenotami, is proposing a number of innovations to increase security in order to verify the identity of users and protect their data, as well as making the interface simpler and easier to use.


The prenotami system allows people to make an appointment before physically going to the consulate, reducing waiting times and improving the efficiency of consular services


During the booking procedure, users can also upload the documents required to provide the service they need. This will reduce the processing time at the counter on the day of the appointment.




To access the new Prenot@Mi Portal, simply click on the following link:


The link gives access to the home page where the following resources are available:


Registration (registration at one of the consular posts where the reservation service has been activated)


Access to the reserved area via credentials (if you have already registered)


Only after registering can you access the portal's content and make a reservation.




The content of the main homepage is displayed in Italian. However, you can get it translated in English by clicking on the ING entries in the bar at the top right of the page.


I'm registered, but I've lost my password, how do I proceed?


On the general homepage there is also a forgot password function which, if you have forgotten your password, allows you to request that a new one be sent to you. By clicking on the link, a new screen appears in which the citizen must enter the e-mail address given during registration in the E-mail field. 




By clicking on the REGISTER button on the main home page, you will access the registration form in which you will have to enter your personal details, the e-mail address and password that will be used as credentials to access the portal, and contact details such as telephone and address and the relevant Consulate.


The website itself will open an automatic tab with the following instruction:


"You need to REGISTER: click on REGISTER immediately insert the OTP that arrives in the e-mail indicated. If you do not receive the OTP (One Time Password) EMAIL: if you do not receive the confirmation e-mail, first check the SPAM/ junk mail section of your e-mail box to make sure that the e-mail address you have entered is the correct one, as the REGISTRATION CONFIRMATION e-mail will be sent to this address". 

 register prenotami

Correct registration with the relevant consulate is mandatory and essential for using consular services.

When you click on the REGISTER button, an e-mail will be sent to the e-mail box indicated and you will be asked to enter the OTP code received in the mailbox. Confirm the code in the window

At this point, the system sends a second email to the citizen, containing a link that they must click on in order to activate their account. When the citizen clicks on the link received, the system activates the account.

If the account activation is successful, you can access the portal by entering your username and password and clicking on the LOGIN button on the home page.

If the account is not activated correctly (e.g. you don't receive the OTP code, you don't receive the second email containing the activation link) you should contact the Consulate and report the problem.

Once you have registered, you will be shown the screen with the services offered by the Consulate in your region.

prenotami services